After retiring in November of 94, I moved with my family to Vermont. Ever since I was stationed at Pease AFB NH, I always wanted to come back to the area. I always said after 20 years of living where I worked, I was finally going to work where I live. Until August of 95, finding work was limited. The local employment agencies didn't have a clue as to how to laterally apply my qualifications. In April of 95 I landed a part time position with a fixed base operator in West Lebanon NH.; Mostly transient work, parking and fueling private aircraft, and schlepping fuel to the small scheduled airlines.
In August I secured a full time position with Cannon Industries in Claremont NH. The company manufactures underground mining machinery in the form of rock drills and roof bolters. They hired me to train their customers' maintenance personnel how to maintain the equipment. After a few months of self qualification, and tech writing, I traveled coast-to-coast and into Canada doing just what I was hired for. I did this for until November of 2003.
In December of that year I took a job with the 56th Maintenance Training Flight, Luke AFB, NH. I was hired by then CMSgt Berning; now retired and a member on this TWS community. I am currently serving as an instructional systems developer for F16 maintenance training. I also teach a maintenance instructor course for incoming instructors.
In 1996 my wife and I separated and she and our two children moved to the Atlanta area. In 1999 I met my late fiancé Michele Wilcox and we moved together to the Phoenix area arriving on New Year's Eve 2003/2004. I later lost her to cancer on December 5th, 2005. You may find a memorial page on my website at
In 2001 we also started our own DJ/Karaoke hosting service, and I continue to operate it part-time with the assistance of my new wife Michele (formerly Petro). And through our website I also promote my talents as singer who emulates Neil diamond or go directly to the YouTube page for a smaple of my work.
Or, look below for a collection of personal videos via YouTube links I just added; more to come.