Klinker, Mary Therese, Capt

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Final Rank
9761-Flight Nurse
Last AFSC Group
Medical Services
Primary Unit
1975-1975, 9761, 60th Military Airlift Wing
Service Years
1969 - 1975

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Year of Birth
This Military Service Page was created/owned by Sgt Mae Moss (MayDay) to remember Klinker, Mary Therese, Capt.

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Casualty Info
Home Town
Lafayette, IN
Last Address
Clark AB, Philippines

Casualty Date
Apr 04, 1975
Non Hostile- Died while Missing
Air Loss, Crash - Land
Bien Hoa (Vietnam)
Vietnam War
Location of Interment
Saint Boniface Cemetery - Lafayette, Indiana
Wall/Plot Coordinates
01W 122

 Official Badges 

 Unofficial Badges 

 Military Associations and Other Affiliations
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
  2012, Vietnam Veterans Memorial - Assoc. Page

 Ribbon Bar

Flight Nurse (Basic)

 Unit Assignments
10th Aeromedical Staging Flight22nd Airlift Squadron  - Mulies60th Military Airlift Wing
  1975-1975, 9761, 10th Aeromedical Staging Flight
  1975-1975, 9761, 22nd Airlift Squadron - Mulies
  1975-1975, 9761, 60th Military Airlift Wing
 Combat and Non-Combat Operations
  1970-1970 Vietnam War/Sanctuary Counteroffensive Campaign (1970)
 My Aircraft/Missiles
C-5 Galaxy  
  1975-1975, C-5 Galaxy
 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:

Crewlist to the destroyed C5A Galaxy, "operation Babylift".

Captain Klinker was a flight nurse-assigned to the 10th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Travis AFB, California -TDY to 22nd Airlift Squadron, Clark AB, Philippines -TDY for Operation Babylift, Vietnam Flying from Clark in the Philippines to carry out the mission set by President Ford.

She was attending to the health care of hundreds of Vietnamese orphans on a U.S. Air Force C-5A Galaxy which crashed on April 4, 1975 near Saigon. The plane was on a mission for Operation Babylift, which had placed hundreds of Amerasian orphans with homes in the United States.

An annual award entitled the Mary T. Klinker Flight Nurse of the Year Award is given out by National Aerospace Medical Association in recognition to military nurses.


US Air Force Capt Mary Therese Klinker, Vietnam Veteran, Native of Lafayette, Indiana.

US Air Force Captain Mary Therese Klinker was a casualty of the Vietnam War. As a member of the Air Force Reserve, CPT Klinker served our country until April 4th, 1975 in Binh Hoa, South Vietnam. She was 27 years old and was not married. Mary died when her plane crashed. Her body was recovered. Mary was born on October 3rd, 1947 in Lafayette, Indiana. CPT Klinker is on panel 01W, line 122 of the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington D.C.

US Air Force Capt Klinker was a flight nurse with the 10th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron temporarily assigned to Clark Air Base in the Philippines, was on the C-5A Galaxy which crahsed on April 4 outside Saigon while evacuating Vietnamese orphans. This is known as the Operation Babylift crash. From Lafayette, Indiana, she was 27. She was posthumously awarded the Airman's Medal for Heroism and the Meritorious Service Medal.

Layfayette Leader, May 1, 1975. Funeral Services for Capt Mary T Klinker, 27, an Air Force Flight Nurse killed in the April 3rd crash of a U.S. C5A Galaxy transport plane carrying Vietnamese orphans to the United States, were held at 10am Saturday in St Lawrence Catholic Church. The Reverend Edwin Deane OFM, of Dayton, Ohio, and the Reverend Clair Bourdereaux OFM Officiated and the internment was in Saint Boniface Cemetery with Military gravesite rites by the Grissom AFB Honor Guard.

The daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Klinker of 3553 Woodmar Court. The Captain ahd been officially listed as missing since April 5. Affiliated with the 10th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron out of Travis AFB on California, she had served in the Air Force since 1969 as a flight nurse, instructor and flight examiner. A native of Lafayette, she had lived here most of her life, graduating from St Lawrence Elementary Central Catholic High School and St Elizabeth School of Nursing. Prior to joining the Air Force, she had worked for a year in St Elizabeth Hospital. Capt Klinker was a member of St Lawrence Church, the Indiana State Nurses Association and St Elizabeth Nursing Alumni Association.

Surviving with the parents are four brothers, Richard P. of Lafayette, David J. of Greensboro, NC, James D and Donald J, both of West Lafayette and a Sister, Mrs Charles E Carolyn Cancik Jr of Scottsdale, Arizona. Hippensteel Funeral Home was in charge of the local arrangements.

In Memory: Capt Mary Klinker was a flight nurse assigned to the 22nd Aircraft Squadron at Clark Air Base in the Philippines in 1974. As Saigon fell, President Gerald Ford ordered an airlift of all in-country orphans, many of whom had American fathers, to the United States for asylum and adoption. The 22nd, with its motto of 'Anything, Anywhere, Anytime,' was given the task of bringing those children from Vietnam to the Philippines. Klinker volunteered for the humanitarian effort, which became known as Operation Babylift. Evacuating hundreds of orphans would prove difficult in many ways. At one makeshift orphanage in a two-story French colonial villa, nurse LeAnn Thiemann recalled a 'sea of babies' across the floor, lying on mats crying, cooing, playing, and sleeping. The Vietnamese caregivers prepared the little ones for their journey by dressing them in 'lace, ruffled panties, patent leather shoes,' Thieman said. After leaving the orphanages, each group of babies was then transported to Tan Son Nhut Air Base for evacuation. The aircraft selected for this mission were C-5A Galaxy cargo planes, big enough to drive a truck into and stable enough to fly about 25 cardboard boxes holding two or three babies apiece. Thieman, who worked on the flight that followed Klinker's, recounts the apprehension that she and her colleagues felt: 'We took our seats for the takeoff, and the true terror began. Would we be shot down? Would we even get off the ground?' At 3 p.m. on April 3, 1975, the initial mission flight took off with Capt. Dennis 'Bud' Traynor at the controls, a crew of 16, seven attendants including Klinker, and 145 orphans. At 4:13, the lower rear fuselage was torn apart, and Traynor 'had to invent a technique for managing a seemingly unmanageable aircraft,' according to John L. Frisbee of Air Force Magazine. In the ensuing crash, the 27-year-old Klinker, from Lafayette, Ind., became the last nurse and the only member of the Air Force Nurse Corps to be killed in Vietnam. She received the Airman's Medal and a Meritorious Service Medal and is listed on Panel O1W Row 122 of The Vietnam Veteran's Memorial. Raymond Johnson, Jr.

Thank you Mary Klinker for being there for the lost children of Vietnam. Vietnamese Adoptee, Wisconsin, April 1975, Tim Hoye, [email protected].

She served with the 22nd Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, Clark AFB, Phillipines, USAF.

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