Previously Held AFSC's 32530A-Apprentice Automatic Flight Control Systems Specialist
32550A-Automatic Flight Control Systems Specialist
32570- Automatic Flight Control Technician
32591-Automatic Flight Control/Avionic Instrument Systems Superintendent
32590-Automatic Flight Control Systems Superintendent
After retiring from the AF, worked for the State of Florida as an Driver License examiner, Commercial Driver License Examiner and Driver License Office Manager until retiring from the state in 2004. Worked for Patrick Air Force Base at the Manatee Cove Marina & Yacht Club 2 1/2 days a week. The rest of the time I'm either sailing or doing nothing (and I don't start that unitl about noon!!!) As of 1 April 2009 it's just working on the boat, sailing or working around the house. I am now fully retired!!!!!
Other Comments:
Well, I couldn't stand it.... had to go back to work, at least a little. I now put in a few hours a week working Event Security at the King Center for the Performing Arts. Doesn't pay much (but keeps the beer locker full on the boat-- ), and I get to see a lot of shows I might otherwise miss. Well, 2011 and I missed the yacht club, so back to work there.... again about 2 1/2 days a week.... Life DOES NOT Suck.....
Once again, in Nov 2020, I became FULLY Retired..... Ruptured my Achilles tendon at work, and after 6-7 months of healing and rehab, decided not to go back to work. So, now just living the easy life....not hard to do in Florida..
Well, things really suck now. Lost my wife, Linda, of 50 years on Nov 20, 2024 to kidney disease after 6 weeks of hospitalization, with the last 3 intubated and under sedation. It's hard......