Kennedy, Don, Sgt

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Final Rank
30450-Radio Relay Equipment Repairman
Last AFSC Group
Electronics Maintenance
Primary Unit
1977-1979, 30450, 2187th Communications Group
Service Years
1974 - 1979
Other Languages
Official/Unofficial US Air Force Certificates
Cold War Certificate

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Date of Passing
Apr 16, 2017

 Official Badges 

Base Honor Guard Combat Crew US Air Force Honorable Discharge (New Style)

 Unofficial Badges 

 Additional Information
Last Known Activity:


Retired, but now specialize in creating 3rd party programs/applications for IP Cameras. I still also continue to remain very active with computer, network security and IP Cameras as both an author of articles and also as a security expert, referenced and called upon by others, for their articles. Forum IP Camera forum

My background includes service in the U.S. Air Force AFCS ("Air Force Communications Services") division, as a Satellite/Wide Band communications tech 304x0 for voice and data in the 2nd MOB ("Mobile Operations Battalion"), 2nd CCG ("Combat Communications Group") and AFCS NATO as well as later providing consulting services and/or creating custom software for the U.S. government, branches of the U.S. military, major banks worldwide, major brokerage firms, stock exchanges, such as the NYSE, Skype and other companies.

With a focus, on their very complex real-time communication needs by providing custom software and/or modifications to software by me, as well as, in many cases, creating software that does automatic load balancing of multi-processor based systems to support their real-time communications needs and processing requirements of these entities and their networks.

Which is how I got the nickname after founding the Overlord company and creating the Overlord balancing software:

 OverLord Profile

 OverLord Balancer

When I founded the Overlord company and created the original Overlord balancing software, when people learned of my role as not only being the president of the company, but also being both the founder of the company and also the author of the balancing software, they would often say things like " you are The OverLord" or " you are The Uber OverLord" of OverLord, as well as being called the hacker slang of "ZOverLord", which stands for "The OverLord".

Hence how I got these nicknames.

I am and have been a systems programmer consultant with 45 years of experience with a focus on network communication interfaces and their security and also automating system resource utilization/allocation. Which also includes, 10 years of working with the Skype public API, wrappers for the public API and also SkypeKit.

My background also includes being the author of many articles on computer and network security and having also contributed to many other articles as a computer and network security expert. From 80 Micocomputing magazine in the early 1980's to Where I wrote a featured article on a Key Logger I designed and created that at the time. Was not able to be found and located by any anti-virus software, worldwide. It was known at the time as "The world's smallest functional Key Logger" and was less than 4K bytes in size. It was given this name because not only did it log all keystrokes entered from a keyboard, it included the domain name of the computer that entered those keystrokes, the user name on that computer that entered those keystrokes, as well as what Windows class and application those keystrokes were entered into and the titles of those applications windows that those keystrokes were entered into. Multiple copies could also be running concurrently on the same computer on a per computer user name basis. With their own logs

I produced a working example of that Key Logger with that article, due to my frustration with anti-virus software vendors at the time. After not only giving them six months to be able to locate that Key Logger with their anti-virus software, I even included the source code of the Key Logger. Sadly, it was not until the article was published publicly six months later, as the featured article there for 2 months. That any anti-virus vendors did anything to protect their users from this Key Logger.

I have contributed to other authors articles as a security expert in the Washington Post and as well as others.

When required. I also formally report security vulnerabilities I locate and work with vendors and manufacturers, as needed to resolve those vulnerabilities. As was done in this example. Where I located severe security vulnerabilities, that affected several different IP camera brands and models, at the same time:

A test tool was also created by me for IP Camera owners. So that they could determine if their IP Cameras were exposed to these vulnerabilities I found. Because these vulnerabilities covered many different IP Camera brands, models and clones.

I have also been a worldwide moderator in the Skype community forums, for Skype and a beta tester for Skype as well as a consultant for Skype. Currently I am a "Super User" in the Skype community forum and designated as a "Master Coder" in the Skype Developer forum and have donated my time to help Skype developers and Skype end-users.

I am currently a moderator in the forums for IP Cameras. Where I donate my time to help other IP Camera owners.

These types of designations. Don't come by "accident". They come by earning the trust and respect, of others. While still retaining the ability. To analyze, concepts, processes, security and approaches. To see if modifying them. Will conclude, in more positive results. For the project and/or company. In question.

I recently have been diagnosed with Stage III terminal lung cancer expected lifespan now is about 9 months as of 4/15/16. I accept this and thank you all for your friendship.

Other Comments:

Best method to contact me is via Skype, my Skype name is: TheUberOverLord please be concise about your reasons for contacting me.

My status

I have created many 3rd party programs/applications that work with Skype, which are free and located here:

I also have created many free interfaces for IP cameras as well:

Free IP Camera Interfaces: Click Here



 Tributes from Members  
Obituary for Sgt Donald Kenney posted by Johnson, Rebecca (TWS Admin) 3 
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 Ribbon Bar

Expert Marksman
Machine Gun

 Enlisted/Officer Basic Training
  1974, Basic Military Training (Lackland AFB, TX)
 Unit Assignments
3380th Technical School (Cadre), Technical Training Center - KeeslerTraining Units2nd Mobile Communications Group2nd Combat Communications Group
Department of Defense (DOD)Air Force Communications Service (AFCS)2187th Communications Group
  1975-1975, 30430, 3380th Technical School (Cadre), Technical Training Center - Keesler
  1975-1975, 30430, 3399th Student Squadron (Cadre)
  1975-1977, 30450, 2nd Mobile Communications Group
  1975-1977, 30450, 2nd Combat Communications Group
  1975-1977, 30450, Department of the Air Force, Pentagon
  1975-1979, 30450, Air Force Communications Service (AFCS)
  1977-1979, 30450, Detachment 27, 2187th Communications Group
  1977-1979, 30450, 2187th Communications Group
 Colleges Attended 
Moraine Valley Community College Palos Hills, IllinoisBrevard Community College, FloridaCommunity College of the Air Force
  1973-1974, Moraine Valley Community College Palos Hills, Illinois
  1975-1977, Brevard Community College, Florida
  1977-1979, Community College of the Air Force
 Other News, Events and Photographs
  Jun 07, 2016, Other Photos
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