TWS Member Comment
I had never heard of Together We Served until just recently. I don't know where they got my information from when I was in the Navy. But I am thankful they did. I am thankful they reached out to me and showed me a sample of the plaque I received. And Together We Served made me think about my shipmates that I served with in the Tonkin Gulf. Although the Vietnam War was winding down, we were still in an area where the war was still being fought. That time in Vietnam drew us closer and forged our friendship in a way that can't be broken. Even though I haven't seen any of my shipmates since then, I still hold that friendship we had high. We did serve together. Together We Served reminded me of that friendship.
Together We Served reminded me of the life I had before the Navy and the life I have now. My military service is a part of my life that I cherish. And I think that with Together We Served, it may be possible to find some of those shipmates that I have not seen since I was in the Navy.
GMG3 Ronnie Gregory, US Navy Veteran
Served 1971-1975