TWS Member Comment
When I first found TWS, which was completely by accident (surfing the web), it was as a result of my attempt to locate many missing Brothers in Arms that I had served with. Now, being somewhat of a computer geek, I was not very inclined to signing or "getting on board" with yet another website that touted its military association. However, after deciding (through frustration, if nothing else) to sign up, I began to realize that not only was the site an attractive site, but it was well thought-out and well-maintained as well. Thus began my "affair" with TWS. At first, in order to avoid having to pay anything, I started an effort to bring on board as many new participants as possible. But mind, this was partly due to the fact that I had already located more of my missing com-padres than any other previous source; thus, my motivation was supportable. Although I will say I do not "live" on the site as much as I used to, I have been a proactive member of its content and affairs, having attended TWS events and site change involvement. I have also become a lifetime member (what'd I tell you, it must have presented a viable enough purpose to have me pocket the Lifetime Membership). I tell people that I recommend TWS for a couple of very solid reasons: Firstly, because it is the single best website for Marines (and other services) to locate missing fellow service members; secondly, because it is the best designed and maintained (military-related) website I have seen; thirdly because it is "fluid;" constantly changing and finding ways to improve its services, esthetics, and purpose.
MSgt George Sidler US Marine Corps (Ret)
Served 1973-2000