'Our mission is to
capture the service story
of every veteran'

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TWS: Local Historical Societies

One of the things that Together We Served prides itself on, is the ability to present and preserve a veteran's history in a complete format. Nowhere else online is there a shadow box complete with units, ribbons, photos, and stories. We even have a spot for a veteran to load a video of their story.

On Memorial Day, Eddie Ireland, who is on our Army Memorial Team, gave a speech at his local Historical Society on the importance of gathering and preserving our Veteran's histories before we lose them. In attendance were several WWII and Korean War vets along with the board for the Historical Society. Eddie walked them through a profile on TWS and showed them that each and every veteran in the county could have their stories preserved and displayed there with the help of a few local volunteers.

In short order, interviews were lined up, and the profiles are now being built. Stories that may have been lost forever, without a fellow vet stepping out and saying "look what you can do here," are now being told.

From this point on, any vet who enters the Society's museum will have the ability to be interviewed and have their story shared on Together We Served with an interactive kiosk. You can read an article on Eddie's project here.

We all live in towns with these local museums. We can all follow Eddie's lead and talk to the people that understand what preserving our history means to be sure no veteran's story remains untold.

If you would like more information and tools to help you get a project started in your area, email us at [email protected], and we will get you started today.