Photo Album of Rose, Laurence, Sgt
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Acft 54 426
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from  1968-1969, 41st Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron  album
I was first assigned to Acft 55 384 a "c" model but when it was sent to the fueldocks for an extensive repair I was assigned to 426. The first mornging that I was to start the acft was airborne and I was waiting for its return. When it landed I headed for its parking spot to retrieve it and get it turned around for its next mission.As I walked across the flghtline I saw a staff car pull up. I cant't remember who it was that got out but I do remember that they were not very happy.I watch my aircraft as it taxied in and I noticed something that was on the landing gear doors. Lets put it this way it was hard not to see it. Thats when the person in the staff car approached me and demanded to know why there were two BIG red peace signs painted on the doors. Hey don't look at me this is my first day on this acft. Acft 426 was a good acft. It flew the squadrons 100hrs.for a month goal.And looking back at that first day working on it always makes me laugh.
posted By Rose, Laurence, Sgt
Oct 25, 2010

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