Brown, Thomas, SSgt

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Current Service Status
USAF Veteran
Current/Last Rank
Staff Sergeant
Current/Last Primary AFSC/MOS
112X0-In-Flight Refueling Operator
Current/Last AFSC Group
Primary Unit
1977-1978, 112X0, 41st Air Refueling Squadron
Previously Held AFSC/MOS
99000-Basic Airman
43131C-Aircraft Maintenance Specialist
43151C-Aircraft Maintenance Specialist
113X0-Flight Engineer
Service Years
1972 - 1978
Enlisted srcset=
Staff Sergeant

 Official Badges 

US Air Force Honorable Discharge

 Unofficial Badges 

Cold War Medal KC-135 2000 Hour

 Additional Information
What are you doing now:

Retired with 30 years service from Verizon Telecommunications since June 30, 2009. The company was in the process of selling off to Frontier Communications here in West Virginia, so in order to keep my benefits and get the best "buyout," I left. Not currently employed, just living the "good life," enjoying grandchildren, walk 2 miles daily, mountain bike, caving/spelunking, fly fishing, sightseeing, shortwave listening, traveling, camping, hiking, computers, etc. Working on getting my "camp" fixed up in Summersville, WV. I hurt my back while shoveling heavy snow during the Winter of 2013-2014 bulging three disks in my lower back so I had to give up running. Still have much to occupy my time and looking forward to doing many new things too.


  1977-1978, 112X0, 41st Air Refueling Squadron

Staff Sergeant
From Month/Year
- / 1977
To Month/Year
- / 1978
41st Air Refueling Squadron Unit Page
Staff Sergeant
112X0-In-Flight Refueling Operator
Base, Station or City
Griffis AFB,NY
United States
 41st Air Refueling Squadron Details

41st Air Refueling Squadron
Air Refueling
Parent Unit
Air Refueling Units
Created/Owned By
Not Specified

Last Updated: Feb 18, 2010
Memories For This Unit

Best Friends
Jim Lervey, Bruce Parent, and others, too many to list...

Best Moment
TDY to Alaska two times, flying over North Pole; also refueling different kinds of aircraft, even experimental and factory-only types; flying in a rescue helicopter with my crew over the Alaska terrain taking pictures of animals etc. just many great times!!!


Worst Moment
Arriving back to Griffis AFB after an extremely long mission during an exercise to penetrate NORAD from the northeast coming from Greenland. The whole crew was very tired we were low on fuel and when the pilot flared to touchdown he was high and reduced power too soon. We went literally bouncing down the runway several times before gaining control. We then made a couple of approaches with the landing gear down so Base OPS could look us over. He gave us the OK and said we were cleared to land. That time we made it fine, but debriefing took a while. I'm just glad we didn't crash and burn, God was watching over us that night.

Other Memories
TDY to various places;
AK,ME,CA,AL,KS,VA,FL,GA,TX,NE,LA and others I can't even remember :)

My Photos For This Unit
41st Aerial Refueling Squadron
NORAD Exercise
During Refueling Contact
7 Members Also There at Same Time
41st Air Refueling Squadron

Oveson, Gregory, CMSgt, (1954-1983) 112 112X0 Senior Master Sergeant
Pierce, Charles, TSgt, (1968-1988) 112 112X0 Staff Sergeant
Mullins, Danny, Maj, (1970-1991) 153 1531 Major
Owen, Joe, Capt, (1972-1978) 106 1061C Captain
Scott, James, Capt, (1977-1983) 153 1535G Captain
Sheaffer, Harry, Lt Col, (1972-1994) 12 Lieutenant Colonel
Johnson, Jay, Capt, (1973-1980) 00 Captain

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