Photo Album of Anderson, Sheldon Keith, Capt
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POW Rescue - Starts & Stripes
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from  1944-1945, AAF MOS 1055, 319th Fighter Squadron  album
Aug 31st, 1944 - 16th Combat Mission: Ploesti A/D Bucharest Rumania (Hours: 6:30) Per Lt. Anderson's Note Book and Pilot Flight Log: Escorted litter ship - shot at by 2 Russian yaks and almost hit by flack. Hartman hit by flack. Memo: Closest flack I've seen over mt's (?) - No 2 man hit in radio. Fired upon by 2 Russian ships out of the sun as we were circling over field. B-17's loaded up litter cases (50) Reference article in "The Stars and Stripes", Monday, Sept 4th, 1944. Daring Rescue By Air Planned By Airman Downed over Ploesti .... Air evacuation last week of more than 1,000 AAF combat crewman held in a "Prisoner of War" camp in Rumania... Lt. Anderson's 16th Combat Mission was part of this rescue mission. (See Newspaper Article: Stars & Stripes, Sept 4 1944, page 5)
posted By Rognstad, Brian, Sgt
Nov 27, 2019

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