Photo Album of Berry, Robert, MSgt
13 - 24 of 71 images
of 6
13 -24 of 71 images
of 6

Operation Badger Catch
19 of 71
from  1967-1968, Detachment 5, 8th Aerial Port Squadron  album
These Ten ,C-130's were loaded with 13 plywood pallets each had three 55 gallon drums of three types of petroleum.(mogas,diesel,pennaprime) These were droped on and over the Cu-Chi tunnels north west of Bien Hoa. After the drop, fighter aircraft would set them on fire with Napalm to burn into the tunnels. Never knew how sucessful this turned out. We could see all the smoke from the base
posted By Berry, Robert, MSgt
Jul 25, 2009

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