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13,607 marines were killed and 88,633 wounded A Wall That HealsDeliberately setting aside the controversies of the war, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial honors the men and women who served when their Nation called upon them. This is a page dedicated to honoring all of our Vietnam Fallen. If you have a Vietnam Fallen profile, please add this association to their profile.
461 Aamold, Daniel Lawrence , A1C -Fallen
Abbott, Robert William , Maj -Fallen
111 Abernathy, Robert Lloyd , Maj -Fallen
111 Abramoff, Arthur John (Art, Cagey 86) , 1st Lt -Fallen
111 Acher, Robert Paul, II , Capt -Fallen
00 Acosta, Jesse Rodriquez , SSgt -Fallen
462 Adachi, Thomas Yuji , SMSgt -Fallen
111 Adair, Samuel Young, Jr. , Maj -Fallen
114 Adam, John Quincy (Blind Bat 01) , CMSgt -Fallen
811 Adams, Erhard Jimmie (Eddie) , Sgt -Fallen
122 Adams, Hughie Darell (Major Hughie) , Maj -Deceased
158 Adams, John Wilburn , Capt -Fallen
123 Adams, Lee Aaron , 1st Lt -Fallen
111 Adams, Michael Thomas , Capt -Fallen
460 Adams, Oley Neal , SSgt -Fallen
811 Adams, Royce Horace , TSgt -Fallen
3E Adams, Samuel , CMSgt -POW/MIA
111 Adams, Stanley Lee , Capt -Fallen
923 Adams, Steven Harold , A2C -POW/MIA
Adkins, Kenneth Dale (Turtle) , Sgt -Fallen
274 Adkisson, James Willie , SSgt -Fallen
111 Adrian, Joseph Daniel , 1st Lt -POW/MIA
607 Aguillon, Felizardo Cuenca , TSgt -Fallen
Aili, David Emil , SSgt -Fallen
113 Albanese, John Ernest, Jr. , Sgt -Fallen
111 Albasio, John Anthony , Capt -Fallen
431 Alberton, Bobby Joe , CMSgt -Fallen
135 Albrecht, George Henry , Capt -Fallen
153 Albright, John Scott, II (Scotty) , Maj -POW/MIA
472 Alexander, Calvin Eugene , SSgt -Fallen
111 Alfred, Gerald Oak, Jr. (Alf, Gerry) , Maj -Fallen
462 Alho, Antonio Lopez , Sgt -Fallen
123 Allee, Richard Kenneth , Col -Fallen
111 Allen, Charles Franklin, II , Capt -Fallen
114 Allen, Henry Lewis (Hank, Tiger ) , Maj -POW/MIA
111 Allen, Thomas Ray , Maj -Fallen
111 Allenberg, James Pattee (Helix) , Maj -Fallen
152 Alley, Gerald William , Col -Fallen
230 Alley, James Harold , Sgt -Fallen
111 Alley, Willie Warnie , TSgt -Fallen
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